
Refugee master students granted asylum in Germany could qualify for the project and received funding as from the winter semester 2018/19.

The scholarship lasted for the entire duration of the degree and includes 1:1 tuition with a lecturer in the chosen subject. Scholarship students are also offered the opportunity to attend additional training to develop key qualifications (e.g. presentation skills, personal and time management, job application). In addition, a ‘book allowance’ is granted, which in agreement with the mentor can be used to cover the costs of specialist literature, study material, educational trips or similar.

 Applicants must fulfil the following conditions:
•    be a refugee with a valid residence permit
•    have first obtained an undergraduate degree from their home country
•    have obtained Level C1 German language skills

This programme aims to support students in obtaining a degree and finding post-study employment

Commencement of studies was the summer term 2018 in a MINT subject (Maths, IT, Natural sciences, Technology)  in a German university.


Project partner

The Otto Benecke Stiftung e. V. ran the top form project in cooperation with the Deutsche Universitätsstiftung (German University Foundation) and the Walter Blüchert Stiftung.


Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V.
Kennedyallee 105-107
53175 Bonn

Weitere Informationen

Das Schreiben an OBS-Stipendiaten finden Sie hier.

Die Ausschreibung für das Wintersemester 2018/19 finden Sie hier.

Die Einwilligungserklärung finden Sie hier.

Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V. | Kennedyallee 105-107 | 53175 Bonn | Tel: 02 28 / 81 63-0 | mail: post@obs-ev.de

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