Seminar programme target groups

Persons eligible for funding under the Higher Education Guarantee Fund guidelines

The course offer is targeted at migrants aspiring to start or continue studying in Germany as well as young academics. Based on the guidelines of the Higher Education Guarantee Fund (GL HEGF), as defined by the Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth), funding is possible for the following target groups: recent repatriates, refugees and Jewish immigrants. Applicants must be under 30 years of age, with applications made within 2 years of entering the country or within one year of receiving right to asylum documents. Funding eligibility ends with enrolment. A level C1 language proficiency is mandatory for participation in seminars.

The Otto Benecke Stiftung e. V. will cover the costs of accommodation and board for the duration of the seminar for those eligible for funding e. V. Participants are asked to pay a personal contribution of 3 euros per day. Whilst attending the seminar, a maximum amount of 60 euros to cover travel expenses will be paid in cash. If receiving other public funding (e.g. BAföG (student grants) or unemployment benefit), a participant may apply for all travel expenses to be covered by the seminar programme.

Persons non-eligible for funding under the Higher Education Guarantee Fund guidelines are also welcome.

Non-funded applications are generally treated as lower-priority than those of HEGF scholarship holders. However, there are no costs for the courses, and participation itself is also free. If you require accommodation and board, the cost is approximately 41 euros per day to be paid by you. Just lunch and coffee breaks may cost you 11 euros per day, and travel costs are also paid by you.


Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V.
Kennedyallee 105-107
53175 Bonn


Salim Bölükbasi
Tel.: 0228 8163-117

Norman Althaus
Tel.: 0228 8163-108

Timo Neuy
Studentischer Mitarbeiter


Contact persons

Dr. Alexandra Leipold
Referatsleitung GF-H, Integration
Tel.: 0228 8163-230
Fax: 0228 8163-400



Flyer 2022 (Stand Februar 2022)

Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V. | Kennedyallee 105-107 | 53175 Bonn | Tel: 02 28 / 81 63-0 | mail:

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