Migrantinnen in die Kommunalpolitik
Migrant women in local politics
Through seminars and intensive networking, the Migrantinnen in die Kommunalpolitik (Migrant women in local politics) project opens-up opportunities for migrant women to take an active part in local politics and exercise their rights to play a role in local political developments. Politicians and public administrators are invited to accompany the project and support all the participants.
Women from a migrant background already play a major role in shaping civil society. They are engaged in a large number of migrant organisations and perform voluntary work in many areas, for example in youth and parental work.
Seminars are organised in five Federal states at various locations, with the goal of collaboration with existing institutions and network partnerships.
The contents of the seminar modules comprise:
• the political system in Germany
• administrative structures
• the election system in Germany
• introduction to the different parties
• diversity in politics
• empowering migrant women
• rhetoric and safe presentation in local politics
• conflict resolution strategies
• debating skills
• assertion skills
• experience political work!
In central network meetings, the cooperation partners and the project participants share their experience and set out their goals.
The project is under the patronage of the State Secretary for Integration in North Rhine Westphalia, Mrs Serap Güler who comments as follows:
‘As State Secretary for Integration in North Rhine Westphalia, but also as a woman from a migrant background myself, this project is close to my heart. That’s why I’m glad to take on patronage of the OBS-run project ‘Migrantinnen in die Kommunalpolitik’ and to encourage women who themselves have a migrant background to take an active part in local organisations and parties. People from a migrant background, particularly women, are still under-represented in parties and on boards, even though these women contribute a lot of knowledge and experience that we need if we want fairer, more tolerant and diverse local politics.’
Funding bodies
The ‘Migrantinnen in die Kommunalpolitik‘ (Migrant women in local politics) project is funded by the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education).
Project Partner
The project is undertaken in six different locations and carried out by six local associations. These partners are:
• AGABY Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Ausländer-, Migranten- und Integrationsräte Bayerns, Nürnberg (Consortium of the councils for Foreigners, Migrants and Integration in Bavaria, based in Nuremberg)
• LAKA Landesverband der kommunalen Migrantenvertretungen aus Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart (State organisation of Communal Migrant representation in Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart)
• Offene Welt e.V., Köln (Open World registered association, Cologne)
• Türkische Gemeinde in Rheinland-Pfalz, Koblenz (Turkish community in Rhineland-Palatinate, Coblenz)
• Carmen e. V. (registered association), Düsseldorf
• ELFE e.V., (registered association), Saarbrücken