The project offered young people participating in the project the chance to enjoy seminars, study trips, internships and meetings with public figures, asking for voluntary commitment in return.

The project allowed participants to expand on their interdisciplinary skills, sharpen their understanding of democracy and to expand their networks. Young people from a migrant background between the ages of 18 and 28 could ‘jump in’, as long as they had permanent residence in North Rhine Westphalia and were committed to social and society matters.

JUMPin.NRW offered:
•    challenging seminars
•    a study trip to Berlin
•    excursions to interesting institutions in North Rhine Westphalia
•    a voluntary internship during school or semester breaks
•    meetings and discussion with decision-makers from politics and society
•    a closing seminar
•    knowledge, contacts, experience, perspectives

JUMPin.NRW expected:
•    interest
•    motivation
•    and above all, commitment – be a role model!

Through their commitment to the community, young people contribute to the wider coming together of our society.

Funding bodies

The project was funded by the Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MKFFI) (Ministry for Children, Family affairs, Refugees, and Integration of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia).


Information material

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