Ma'an – Miteinander

Ma’an – Miteinander

`Ma’an – Together

The OBS ‘Ma’an – Together’ project was initiated in April 2015, forming part of the Demokratie leben! (Live Democracy!) program of the Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) (Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth) which has started in April 2015.

This project particularly aims to motivate and mobilise Islamic peer groups to prevent the radicalisation of the youth. Its secondary goal is to overcome feelings of exclusion and identify social activities in their local neighbourhood. In addition, professional qualifications and networking with established institutions support and strengthen the youth work of Muslim associations. Social participation by young Muslims is thus encouraged.

We train mentors, enabling them to show and communicate alternatives in their own age and peer groups. Eligibility criteria are commitment in school, career, leisure time, sports, culture and/or other socially relevant fields as well as the ability to represent their own positions.

Project partners

This project is based in Bonn and is undertaken in close cooperation with the Haus der Generationen e. V. (Generations House).

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