Higher Education Guarantee Fund Educational Guidance
The Otto Benecke Stiftung e. V. works closely with Garantiefonds Hochschule (Higher Education Guarantee Fund) educational guidance. Its counsellors offer advice and support in all matters relating to educational and professional integration. Alongside with clients, they plan the start or resumption of studies or the taking up of a job in the academic sector. They also check funding eligibility based on the Higher Education Guarantee Fund guidelines set out by the BMFSFJ (Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth). They then transfer the funding applications to the Otto Benecke Stiftung e. V. Usually, the counsellors will supervise as well as advise HEGF participants both before and during the application process.
You can reach the educational guidance offices here:
Educational guidance offices HEGF
Dr. Martina Wagner
Fachbereichsleiterin Förderbereich
Tel: 0228 8163-129
Fax: 0228 8163-100
E-Mail: Garantiefonds@obs-ev.de
Petra Tölkes
Tel: 0228 8163-211
Vertretung der Fachbereichsleitung
E-Mail: Garantiefonds@obs-ev.de
Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V. | Kennedyallee 105-107 | 53175 Bonn | Tel: 02 28 / 81 63-0 | mail: post@obs-ev.de