
Higher Education Guarantee Fund - Funding of Ukrainian refugees

The programme targets young newly-arrived migrants wishing to take their higher education entrance qualification in Germany, to prepare for higher education, or aim at an academic career.

The Otto Benecke Foundation e.V. is funding language courses, colleges to get your Hochschulreife (A-Level) and courses as preparation for a college or academic studies.


Up till now it was open to refugees, immigrants or recent repatriates and their relatives living in Germany.

Now, the OBS can also fund persons, who are staying in Germany with §24 AufenthG. This includes the group of Ukrainian refugees. If you are interessted, please contact one of our educational guidance centres near your home and make an appointment.

via phone or mail:

You can find more information about the programme on our Homepage:

The programme is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

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